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Flipping Out

Sample Preview

Genre: Urban Drama/Comedy

Runtime: 90 Minutes

Budget $25,000

Get Ready to KISS MY FEET!

In one of the most gripping scenes, titled "Kiss My Feet," Donta, portrayed by the talented B-list actor (who is truly an A-lister in our eyes), threatens to expose Bodie's positive HIV status unless he receives $5,000 by tomorrow. But Bodie's only concern is ensuring that Donta keeps this information from his soon-to-be-wife, Kim.

To capture the intensity of this moment, we shot the scene with two cameras, allowing us to capture every detail and emotion. Despite a budget of just $25,000, we were able to create a full-featured, 93-minute film that showcases the incredible talent of our cast and crew.

We are incredibly grateful to Bodie, who came to the set fully prepared and knew all of his lines. This dedication is especially crucial when working behind the camera, where it's not always easy to see every detail. Bodie's energy and commitment were instrumental in completing this film, and we are thankful to have had him as part of our project.

"Flipping Out" is a testament to the power of perseverance and the resilience of the human spirit. We can't wait to share this thrilling story with all of you.

Produced By

Miami Films

Directed By

KC Clark

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